
Hotting Up

The mornings are still chilly, but the afternoons are getting uncomfortably hot for Northern European types.
The kookaburras and lorikeets have decided it's definitely spring, and they're partying. Loudly.
Our Colombian ex-flatmate Oscar got his Aussie residence (PR) this week. I drove up to Brissie to help him celebrate. Unfortunately, he (and colleagues) were intent on celebrating a little too hard for me. Oscar had turned up a bottle of Colombian Aguardiente, so we had a few shots of that before heading out into West End, and following it up with lager and malt whiskey. We headed on to a West End restaurant (Tukka), but I became (strangely) extremely ill. After some vomiting, a bit of gratuitous falling over, some unexplained bruises and cuts, a disturbed night's sleep, and an enormous fry-up, I decided all was well and drove back to Nimbin to nurse my headache and curse those lorikeets and kookaburras.
Despite my pounding head, I've made good headway with the garden - hammering in a few more fenceposts and stringing up some chicken wire around the edges of the raised beds in a (probably doomed) effort to keep the wallabies away from our veggies.
Excitingly, the downstairs expansion project is finally in the "putting things back together" phase, so I've been able to help Bruce here and there with wall panels, lifting and carrying, and some measuring and marking. We're about three weeks away from the building work proper being complete - I'll try to get a photoset of the work up on photobucket at that point.

We're now girding our loins for Island Vibe festival, a week in Brissie beforehand, and of course, a long, hot Summer. In a good way.

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