
Bloggito ergo sum.

Officially forcing self to blog.
We had a (wonderful) day at the beach at Byron bay with Jonas and Tanya.
We tried to find the hanging rock swimming hole, but got lost in the car and ended up in Border Ranges national park, so we had a picnic there instead.

The Nimbin pool is open and the weather is now hot, so we're swimming most days in the morning before the rush (I can squeeze this in in the morning as I work 9-5 Brisbane time, and the clocks have gone forward here, so as long as I'm at my desk by 10 I'm OK).
Bruce has finished building our carport, so the car is all snug and out of the rain.
Steffan came round today and helped me, Bruce and his crew lift the five metre I-beam into place which will hold the house up, once the rest of the stumps are removed from the downstairs studio.
Monday was New South Wales Labour day (a bank holiday) and Iris celebrated her 31st, so we headed to Steffan and Iris's place and drank cold beer and swam (and dipped K) in their creek for a few hours until a rainstorm hit.
Last week Rob invited us to a Barbie at his place - they overlook a few acres and are set up on a nice hill out of town with a view of the Nimbin rocks and have a lovely little pad with plenty of artist studio space for both of them to work in peace and quiet.
This last 3 weeks we've planted rocket, sweetcorn, basil, strawberries, tomatoes, cucumbers, leeks, sunflowers and spinach. We planted so much, in fact, that we used up the sunny part of the raised bed, and had to trim the gigantic mulberry that was shading the rest.
Incredibly, there was a whole, mature apricot tree underneath the gigantic mulberry. I wonder what else lurks in the overgrown depths of this garden. Time (and our chainsaw) will tell.
C is working quite a bit now, and getting back into the swing of browser incompatibilities and buggy CSS rendering. Ahh, the joys of other than parenthood.
Have blogged. Can I sleep now?

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