
Winter warmers

Apologies for the blog hiatus. Nothing particularly noteworthy has happened in the last week or two, so my dear readers have not missed out.
After many hours working together using wedges, crowbars and lots of bloody mindedness, C and I have rolled the trunk sections of the felled Polonia trees into a lozenge shape on the Western side of the house, and gravelled a path through the middle of it diagonally. This neatly solved the problem of what to do all with those trunk sections that were far too large and heavy to move more than a few metres, and what to do with the large empty section of garden between the driveway and the trunks.
We have also got the bathroom floors sanded and varnished at long last, so we no longer have to be terrified of getting even a drop of water on the floorboards! Both of us had extremely long, hot, environmentally-unfriendly showers to celebrate.
One of the reasons we are making great strides and getting on top of both the garden and the necessary house repairs, is that K can now hold her head up and absolutely loves to ride in the backpack. This opens up whole new realms of possibilities for interaction, and simply getting on with my life. There seems to be hardly any activities which K is not delighted to be involved in , by being put in the backpack. She now coos and gurgles happily away behind me whilst I potter around the garden in my middle-aged way trundling up and down with the wheelbarrow, potted plants, and bags of NPK fertiliser. I'm probably the only inhabitant of Nimbin putting this much hard yakka into not-for-profit gardening!
We had a huge autumn storm last week. The usual torrential rain, ominous cracking sounds from the surrounding eucalypts, and towering black clouds. What was amazing though, was the aftermath, which happened during sunset - for the first time in my life I saw that "sunset through thunderstorm" tropical glow I've seen photographed so much. My pictures didn't come out unfortunately, but it's an awesome thing to see. Basically, the sky glows bright octarine.

We are now set up for winter - the logfire crackles away every evening, we have a good stack of logs, and we have mastered a cheesecake recipe. I'd say little is lacking for a cozy and secure hibernation until about September!

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